About Me
Welcome to my website! I’m so glad you stopped by. In case you don’t know me personally, here’s a little bit about me. And if you do know me personally, you just may learn something new.
My name is Joy. My parents had 3 daughters, named Joy, Hope, and Love. Your name is the first gift your parents give you. What a gift we girls received! : ) I firmly believe my parents expected us to reflect our given names and embrace this ‘gift’ they gave.
Trust me- my sisters ARE Hope and Love. But me, Joy? Not so much. At least that was the way I felt for many years. I didn’t feel I measured up to my name like my sisters did with theirs. As time went on it felt each day was a struggle with putting one foot in front of the other and nothing I did, no doctor I saw or medication they prescribed or lifestyle change suggestions they made resulted in a long term difference. It felt like I was sucking the joy out of life for those around me instead of bringing joy to others or enJOYing it. I had to make the choice to put me and my health a priority and I had to find a way to get back to being me and enjoying life. How did I get to this point? It started a little something like this.
I married at 19 and became a military wife- which meant a rotating door of medical facilities and doctors. Over the years I began to feel that unless I was in uniform my health wasn’t a priority with them. It was more expedient for them to tear off a prescription and usher me out the door. They began to train me to expect this was the normal course of treatment. Over the years I began to feel not me, not “Joy”. I was certainly not living up to my name. Something was off. I could feel it, I just couldn’t find it. Eventually, I found a doctor who introduced me to an ENT Dr who took me seriously. After a few tries to ‘fix’ me, he sent me to an infectious disease doctor and finally everything fell into place. I had a deep seated infection and the ever revolving door to the doctor offices walking out with prescriptions just kept it under the radar- and more than enough infection resided within me so I wasn’t a JOY. Once we got me on the mend I vowed to never let myself get like that again. I opened my eyes, ears and heart to essential oils to support a healthy lifestyle. My goal is to live a life of wellness, abundance and JOY! Don’t you?
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